Short biography

I was born on May 6, 1987 in Libramont. I am a civil engineer from the Université Catholique de Louvain
in Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) where I followed a full english master in Networking and Security.
My master thesis consisted in designing a geo-localization system based on an ad-hoc wireless network on an Openmoko™ Neo FreeRunner.
I am really keen on digital photography and you can see some of my work on my photo space.
You can find a copy of my resume in english or in french and you can contact me at
Some papers

Here are some papers that I made during my studies. They are sorted by year of study. They are provided as-is and are not perfect but can be used as basis for further work. Do not hesitate to contact me for any remarks or comments.
Second Master Year (2010-2011)
Master Thesis

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: June 2011
Category: Mobile Systems
This work introduces the GeoSharing project, an application developped for Openmoko™ Neo FreeRunner. The aim of this application is to share geographical positions of the
users of the system in real-time and without relying on any infrastructure. The application uses the GPS and the Wi-Fi modules of the Openmoko Neo FreeRunner. The entire project
is available on the GeoSharing project site .
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The mobile version of the GeoSharing project has also been adapted to work on desktops. This version allows the user(s) to monitor all the devices running the mobile version
and connected to the same network. It has been tested on Ubuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu 11.04. This dodument is provided as complement to the main document given above.
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RFID Business Card

Authors: Leruitte Thibault & Olivier Goletti & Lamouline Laurent
Date: May 2011
Category: RFID security
This document presents the conception of a secure application whose aim is to read and write data on business RFID cards. It presents the entire C implementation of the stadard
triple-DES encryption algorithm described in RFC3626, the communication mechanism used between the reader and the tag (done in Python) and finally the graphical user interface
(developed in Java).
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First Master Year (2009-2010)
DHCP relay on PIC18F97J60

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: May 2010
Category: Real Time Systems
This document presents the way we designed a DHCP relay on a PIC. We first briefly introduce the DHCP
protocol. We then explain how we modeled the state machine of the DHCP relay in ASG to finally
implement it in C.
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Chat in Mozart-Oz

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: May 2010
Category: Distributed Application
This document presents the way we designed a chat room in Mozart-Oz by using distributed computing
algorithms. The first part explain how we design the chat by using he good old client-server
architecture. In the second part, we design that later by using a decentralized model. The major
improvement is that messages are send to the others using causal order broadcast. Other changes
are described in the paper. Both versions have been implemented by using the event-driven model,
which organizes each site as a set of layers.
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Third Bachelor Year (2008-2009)
Capture the flag

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: December 2008
Category: Concepts of computer languages
The aim of this project was to create a game in Mozart-Oz based on message passing. This game works with two teams
and the aim is, as the name says, to capture tree enemy flags to win. Players can die by stepping bombs,
duplicate by eating foods and get a flag to bring it back to the base. This game is fully automated, that is there
is no player (computer plays for both teams).
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Web Traces

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: May 2009
Category: OS programming
This document presents the way we design a programm destined to analyse clients requests on the official world cup 98's
web site. The main idea is to make multiple concurrent entities communicate in order to get the best performances.
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Airport Management

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent & De Groote Charles
Date: May 2009
Category: Data Base
This document describes how we design a data base containing informations for airport management such that staff member schedule,
lane usage, the number of hours pilots fly, ... This data base will be used by a simple but efficient graphical interface.
The graphical interface will allow the staff members to perform request on the data base.
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Files Defragmentation On Minix3©

Authors: Nuttin Vincent & Lamouline Laurent
Date: April 2009
Category: OS programming
This document presents the next step to the system call implementation in MINIX 3©. Two new system calls are explained, the first one
checks if a given file is fragmented and the second one defragments the file if it is needed.
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System Calls On Minix3©

Authors: Lamouline Laurent
Date: May 2009
Category: OS programming
This document presents the way I implement 2 system calls on MINIX 3©. The first one is destined to write
my personal noma in the memory and the second one is used to recover it from memory.
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The Bipolar Transistor

Authors: Lamouline Laurent
Date: October 2008
Category: Electronic
This document presents different mesures and simulations on an amplification circuit including a common base bipolar transistor.
The simulations have been realised with PSpice© Student version.
Simulation files are available on demand, just contact me at the specified mail address mentionned above.
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Amplificateur Operationnel

Authors: Lamouline Laurent
Date: October 2008
Category: Electronic
This document presents different mesures (such as cutoff frequency) on circuits integrating AmpliOp.
An important part of this paper explains how to straighten the signal up by the use of a resistor.
Some simulations realised with PSpice© (student version) illustrate the theoritical parts.
Simulation files are available on demand, just contact me at the specified mail address mentionned above.
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The Diode

Authors: Lamouline Laurent
Date: October 2008
Category: Electronic
This document presents different mesures and simulations on circuits including diodes. The simulations
have been realised with PSpice© Student version.
Simulation files are available on demand, just contact me at the specified mail address mentionned above.
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Authors: Lamouline Laurent
Date: October 2008
Category: Electronic
This document presents different mesures and simulations on an amplification circuit including NMOS.
The study has been performed with a Source-Follower Amplifier whose main feature is that it
has a gain factor of 1. The simulations have been realised with PSpice© Student version.
Simulation files are available on demand, just contact me at the specified mail address mentionned above.
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